
Reddit petite summer lin
Reddit petite summer lin

reddit petite summer lin

But that’s really just guessing from photos. There could be some angular balancing coupled with very minor eyelid adjustments. Honestly I cannot tell on the rest of his face. Mostly you will notice changes in both the width of the bridge and slope angle contour.Īs for the rest of his face: let me just say that surgeon to surgeon, I am about to offer a great compliment. “I would say on this one: there is most likely some surgery performed on the nose. Please note: from here on out, this is all quotes from the surgeon, not DMN. But culturally there is a difference here.” Also operations like double eyelid are very commonplace. I cannot say the exact percentage, but you could check with the ASPS. “A large relative percentage of the South Korean population has had some level of elective surgery. “Also, many of the greatest surgeons in the world operate there, more than places like Beverly Hills (though we are very good!)” “You’re going to see a lot more advertising in Seoul for plastic surgery centers,” the Beverly Hills surgeon shared.

reddit petite summer lin

Also, it’s far more accepted culturally than in the United States. One thing the surgeon pointed out is that South Korea has a very high rate of plastic surgery. But there’s work that was probably performed.” I guess everyone has a perspective but from a professional surgeon perspective, this is not overuse. But they are not ‘addicted’ or demonstrating ‘problematic overuse’ of elective plastic surgery. Summary: most members of BTS have had plastic surgery operations. “But there’s work that was probably performed…” That goes against my beliefs and my profession.”Īnd with that, he’s the expert answer to the question: is BTS addicted to plastic surgery? Part I. But in no way do I want to be seen as ‘outing’ or ‘shaming’ anyone getting surgery. “Like the ornithologist can analyze the bird, I can analyze the human face. “I’m happy to offer the professional opinion,” he told us. This surgeon agreed to take a look, as long as we kept his identity private.

Reddit petite summer lin